Report a fault

If you discover a fault with a street light near you, please report it to us by using the form below.

When completing the form, please provide as much detail as you can, to help us identify the location of the faulty street light. If available, please provide the unit number which is typically displayed on a label on the side of the column in the following format L12ABC.


If a street light is in a dangerous condition e.g. has been struck by a vehicle, is leaning or has wiring exposed, this is an emergency and you should phone us immediately. For emergencies outside of our normal office hours (Mon – Fri, 08.30 – 16.30), please call our out of hours team directly on 0800 0850 284.

If you would like to report a broken lamp outside of business hours, please complete our form.

Report a fault

"*" indicates required fields

Please give specific identification details either column number from the label, a what3words location or other descriptive (e.g. outside house # 19)
Please ensure to include Town as well as street name to ensure we attend the correct location; Many street names (e.g. High Street) may be repeated across the County and we want to attend at the right location for you.
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